Distance Education – Chapter 3 : How it works

Distance Education - chapter 2 - b

Generally, when I tell people I’m taking corresponding courses, the question that comes after “WhAT??” – usually followed by an misunderstanding face-, is : “How does it work?”

Well, today people every secret is revealed! 😉

First, I would like to point out that this organisation is proper to the school I am studying in, so it can differ from the 1000 other e-schools currently existing. Still, it always work on the same basics.


The Lessons

The lesson’s organisation is different for each level of studies, but they are all based on the same “model plan”.
I made some plans explaining that organisation in my case otherwise it’ll be too long and complicated to write:

Let’s take History subject for example.

Depending on the program, there are some themes/ subject of study for each subject.

There are several sequences/units, each one linked to a theme.

Distance education- Chapter 2 a-b - How it works

A Sequence/Unit is composed of aproximately…5 chapters and in each chapter is organised in accordance with the next plan:

 Distance education- Chapter 2 a-b - How it works 2

The Homeworks

Continuous assessment is really important. On the opposite of face to face learning, we don’t have permanent tests because we don’t see the teachers. Our alternative to that is to send a certain amount of what they call “homeworks” to the teachers in order to get marks. It is the only way for the school to make sure we actually work.

A Website

The school is represented as a website. Each pupil has their own personal accounts accessible with an I.D and password. There, you can find everything you need : all sorts of contact forms, informations about exams, events, teachers, a forum in which you can communicate with teachers and other pupils, links to tools we can use for work : online dictionaries, libraries, online resource centres,…

We also have 2 online platforms : one that gives us access to all the courses, and complementary ressources (of course :D), and another where you can deposit your homeworks and see your grades/marks as well as the correction.


So, how do I keep in touch with the school?

Most of the contact made by phone calls: as we dont see anyone “face-to-face”, they favour this means of communication.

  • The administration

I usually call a specific phone number when I have technical problems with the school’s website or administrative formalities.

I can also contact them by filling out an online form for any demands.

  • The teachers

That, I have been asked a LOT.

So basically:

  • When I need some help while working on my lessons or some help with the homeworks, I can either call, or contact by mail or an online forum what they call a “Tutor”. (I’ve got one tutor for each subject and each teacher can have several numbers)
  • When I want to turn in my homeworks, I give it to what they call a “professeur -correcteur” -which means literally a “corrective-teacher”-, in other terms an examiner, who is going to mark it.
    I cannot contact these teachers unless I leave them a note on the next homework.
  • Finally, when I need to take stock of my studies, or some advice on study options, I call the “educational advisers” to another number (yeah that’s a lot of numbers).

I think that’s everything you need to know in order to understand more the life of a distance learner. Again, this “model” is specific to my own school, but every distance-school follows the same principles.

So, that’s all for today folks!

Have a great day/afternoon/night/whatever! 🙂


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